Thursday, July 5, 2012

That's amore

Last night I slept like crap, I kept having the weirdest, terrible dreams.  In one, I dreamt that my two most favorite animals in the entire world (Razor and my niece-dog Daisy) had died and we were collectively trying to find dogs to fill the void in our hearts.  Mike got me this awful Frankenstein looking dog that smelled like a sewer and kept snarling at me. When I complained to him about the dog, he said "Oh he'll grow on you!" Nightmare central.  

I need to bake my two pups some treats to show my appreciation after that night of terror. 

Today was uneventful, the first day back after a nice long break is always terrible, and I work this Saturday- boo!! 

I was super busy, so I wasn't able to eat my entire packed deliciousness... I had the Lara bar and some coffee for breakfast, a few almonds and a prune for a snack, and then my PB & J for lunch. Oh yea, I had my hummus and chips too!

Not to worry though, my dinner ROCKED!!! 

Cuz I made pizza... mmmm... 

Pic's a lil blurry, my bad. Actually I didn't take it- but I'm not ratting that person out! 
Trader Joe's herb dough + roasted tomato sauce + mozzarella cheese + onions + black olives + basil leaves + tomatoes + turkey pepperoni 

I'm really failing on this whole vegetarian thing this week. C'mon Lindsey, back on the wagon, back on the wagon. 

Gotta keep the veggies coming! This is my CSA lettuce bag with some heirloom tomatoes ontop. I also added some avocado, red onion, and beets after this photo was taken. 

For dessert we whipped up a batch of my peanut butter nanner ice cream

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